12 Due May 15th – Miniature Worlds

The tedious, time-consuming building process : ‘)
One model complete, with a stand and backpack accessories
Second model complete, with sword, backpack railgun, and flare up effects for the “wings”
Posing accessories ahead of time (green railgun out, longsword beam, gun, and wing effects)
BEST SHOT BY FAR, added a mist in the background to give rain-like effects and try to give the illusion that a torrent of rain looked like mist to the models, somewhat worked, only wished the weather was a little bit more gloomy/less bright to achieve the effect correctly
Alternative angle #1, a bird’s eye view of the conflict
Alternative angle #2, looking from the other side, showing the casted shadows, tilting the camera, and properly showcasing the missile accessories on the other model
Alternative angle #3, showing the longsword in the front, the smaller model better, the rotation I added to the missile accessories, and the railgun on the smaller model

The process of building the models took the most amount of time by far, easily 2-3 days. (unless you count waiting for the packages, lol, that was 8 days), then I tried waiting for weather which had dark enough conditions, which never happened, so just yesterday, I snapped the photos of the figurines that you see here!

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